28 May 2009

still talking
after I’ve gone . . .
the widow next door


bluetoque said...

This reminds me of my neighbour. I do enjoy her, but once or twice I've actually thought about fleeing from her presence.

Emma Dalloway said...

on first read I thought it was quite a funny little image - old woman wittering away to herself etc...

but after a few reads, focussing on her being a widow, I can imagine the loneliness that such a life entails... after a number of years, having been robbed of our partners, Im sure many of us would start talking to ourselves...

nicely done Dave

John McDonald said...

well caught David

bandit said...


We'll be moon viewing all week over here-come join us if you wish.
I'll be muttering at the moon...

haiku-shelf (Angelika Wienert) said...

A good senryû!

all works are copyright, © David Serjeant. If you plan to use any of the work here, I will probably have no problem with that if you credit me as the author, link to this blog and let me know first. Thank you!

background image: beeley moor spin photo © David Serjeant