9 December 2010

midnight snowfall
the union leader's statue
wears a white shawl


ImageNations said...

lol.... lovely. White for victory!

Dave Serjeant said...

If only!

Unfortunately - in these parts, white can signal surrender (in a waving the white flag kind of way). Appropriate in this case as the statue in question is a mine-workers leader and the miners famously lost a long and bitter dispute in the UK in the early 80s.

Dave Serjeant said...

...Thanks for the comments Nana

John McDonald said...

nice one Dave

all works are copyright, © David Serjeant. If you plan to use any of the work here, I will probably have no problem with that if you credit me as the author, link to this blog and let me know first. Thank you!

background image: beeley moor spin photo © David Serjeant