I am currently putting together a sequence of haiku/senryu inspired by having multiple sclerosis. I have probably written 20-odd poems so far of which about four, maybe five I'm happy with, plus a couple of slightly longer tanka-like poems, which by their morphology won't make it into the sequence.
I was hoping to publish them somewhere in time for MS Awareness Week which is late April in the UK, but time is too tight. They probably won't see the light (together) until 2010. I would imagine I should have maybe another four poems that are any good by then.
It's difficult, because you can't really write about MS without wanting to write about individual symptoms, but when you do, it is invariably awkward and clunky. The best pieces so far tend to be about the wider implications of the illness. I have a couple of MS Society events coming up, so I will see if anything suggests itself while I attend these.
on the news
a terror attack...
my leg numb again